Watch Law Society video-Cyber Breaches through Third Parties

Australia’s privacy commissioner publishes its Digital ID regulatory strategy

5 takeaways from the Lifelabs case

Put Privacy First – Privacy Commissioner of Canada speaks about privacy risk mitigation.

Learn more about The Power of PETs: Privacy Enhancing Technologies during a panel discussion hosted by The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

BC Commissioner issues report on how municipalities make records available. For more information check out the full news release, fact sheet, guidance document and video.

Thank you to our 800 registrants who registered for the Top of Mind webinar hosted on Jan 31. For those of you who missed the session, you can access both an English and French version of the recording here under “Top of Mind” Data Privacy Webinar 2025. Enjoy!


Latest Blog Posts

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August 13, 2015 - Alyx Larocque, Analyst

How to Conduct an Effective Search for Records

So you have received an access to information request and you know it is not going to be easy to locate responsive records. What do you do? Here are some tips for you. First: You develop a search strategy and document everything. A search strategy could include: Searching for records in multiple formats (i.e. electronic,... read more

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May 22, 2015 - Diane Aldridge, Director of Compliance

When Salary is Open to Public Scrutiny

The starting point of determining whether or not your salary is releasable starts with what access and privacy law applies to you in your circumstance. If you work for a government institution or local authority, then your salary is not considered your personal information. Why does it matter if it is or is not considered... read more

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October 16, 2014 - Sharon Young, Analyst

5 Ways to Protect Your Privacy

Welcome to the Saskatchewan IPC’s blog! Here you’ll find tips, information, instruction, stories, and commentary on what’s going on in our office or in the access and privacy community at large. We also hope to invite guest bloggers to post their thoughts on here too. So to kick off this blog, here are five ways... read more

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