Ontario announces expedited process for appeals

Data governance framework for the City of Toronto

Tenant background checks: joint investigation and accompanying blog

Supreme Court, decision on private sector employees and search and seizure

Audit of FOI requests

Ontario IPC on digital safety requirements for schools

Updated code of procedure in Ontario

AI in schools, a need for policy

Federal IPC v Facebook decision

Legal considerations around Canada’s employee monitoring

Legislation - FOIP

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

An Act respecting a right of access to documents of the Government of Saskatchewan and a right of privacy with respect to personal information held by the Government of Saskatchewan

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)

FOIP Regulations

Access to Information Request Form (Form A)

FOIP Access to Information Request Form (Fillable) (for government institutions)

Access and Privacy – Government Institution Contacts

Please note: Our office does not process Access to Information Request Forms. Access to Information Request Forms must be submitted to the government institution that you are requesting information from.  If you require the contact name of the access and privacy coordinator for a specific government institution, please feel free to contact our office at: 306-787-8350 or toll-free at 1-877-748-2298.

For more information on how to get access to information, please click here.

Please note: Problems downloading forms on this page are typically related to the type of browser you are using. Our forms are in PDF format. Downloading works best with Microsoft Edge which uses Adobe Acrobat Reader as the resident PDF viewer. Browsers such as Fire-Fox or Google Chrome have their own built in PDF viewer which will not read a PDF “fillable” form.

The following link is an explanation on how to change the PDF viewer within your Browser to Acrobat Reader which will open a PDF formatted document:  http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/display-pdf-browser-acrobat-xi.html

You may also try this:      

  1. Right mouse click on the form you wish to open      
  2. Select “save target as”      
  3. Save the form locally on your computer      
  4. Use Acrobat Reader to open the form.

If you continue to experience problems, contact our office at 306-787-8350 or webmaster@oipc.sk.ca.

Request for Review (Form B)

FOIP Request for Review Form (Fillable) (for government institutions)

Please note: It is our office’s preference that Requests for Review are submitted by email to: intake@oipc.sk.ca. You can also submit your Request for Review by mail or in-person to:

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner
503-1801 Hamilton Street
Regina SK  S4P 4B4

If you have submitted a Request for Review to our office and you have not received a response within one week, please give us a call at 306-787-8350.


**The above FOIP forms will need to be saved to a local drive for the “Save As”, “Reset Form” “Submit by Email” and “Print Form” buttons to work.*

Breach of Privacy Complaints

For information on resolving a privacy complaint, please click here.

Your complaint must be made in writing and include a detailed description of the alleged breach, including dates/timelines, name of the government institution against whom the complaint is made and any documentation that supports your allegations. Please use the following form to outline your complaint: Alleged Breach of Privacy Reporting Form for Affected Individuals/Complainants (Fillable).

Please note: It is our office’s preference that privacy complaints are submitted by email to: intake@oipc.sk.ca. You can also submit your complaint by mail or in-person to:

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner
503-1801 Hamilton Street
Regina SK  S4P 4B4

If you have submitted a complaint to our office and you have not received a response within one week, please give us a call at 306-787-8350.