Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

Federal Privacy commissioner investigates data deletion complaint

Ontario announces expedited process for appeals

Data governance framework for the City of Toronto

Tennant background checks: joint investigation and accompanying blog

Supreme Court, decision on private sector employees and search and seizure

Audit of FOI requests

Ontario IPC on digital safety requirements for schools

Year: 2023

December 13, 2023 - Renee Barrette, Analyst

Principles for Responsible, Trustworthy and Privacy-Protective Generative AI Technologies

Artificial intelligence is transforming the business world including hiring, auditing, accounting and forecasting processes (Khoury, Richard, “Artificial Intelligence in Canadian Industry”). It is expected to improve health care and change the way it is delivered, such as by increasing diagnostic accuracy, improving treatment planning and forecasting outcomes of care (CMPA, “The Emergence of AI in... read more

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December 4, 2023 - Rick Yachiw, Director of Compliance

Privacy Savvy Children and Youth

Various studies on how Canadian children and youth use technology have concluded similar findings. One study found that about 90% of young people aged nine to 11 have at least one social media account. The same study found that about 80% of young people aged nine to 17 have their own smartphone, with many having... read more

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November 30, 2023 - Diane Aldridge, Deputy Commissioner

Why some reviews and investigations cannot pass go (updated)

If you have ever contacted our office regarding a concern with how an organization (government institution, local authority or trustee) has responded to your access to information request or handled your personal information or personal health information, you would have been told that we are an office of last resort. As the oversight body, we... read more

Categories: Blog

November 23, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

Privacy in Organizations not Subject to Legislation

I received a call a few days ago from someone who worked in an organization that is not subject to privacy legislation provincial or federally. The question posed to me was what are the organization’s privacy obligations? I first had to say, you are not subject to provincial legislation and so there are really no... read more

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