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Submission on Legislative Changes to The Saskatchewan Employment Act

September 28, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Government of Saskatchewan embarked upon a review of The Saskatchewan Employment Act (SEA) by issuing a discussion paper, on “Review of the Employment Standards Provisions of The Saskatchewan Employment Act and Associated Regulations.” The government has invited individuals and organizations to provide comments on changes to the Act and regulations.

I have been concerned that some employees who work for businesses or non-profit organizations in the province do not have any protection over the collection, use and disclosure of their information while other employees do have such protection. I believe it is important that all employees in the province have similar protection. Thus, I have provided the Ministry of Labour and Workplace Safety with proposals that would give employees similar protection to other employees covered by provincial or federal legislation. A submission has been submitted to those responsible for reviewing the legislation and recommending changes to the SEA.


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