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RIM Executive Training

July 27, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan has completed a new records and information management (RIM) training module specifically for executives. The 30-min module introduces basic RIM concepts and explains the importance of an effective RIM program.

The training is available on LEARN (PSC Client): TR-01420 – Introduction to Records and Information Management. If you do not have access to LEARN, you can view it on the Provincial Archives website: https://training.saskatchewan.ca/learningmodules/PAOS/RimExecutive/story.html.

I encourage all to take 30 minutes and take this training. Without proper records management, it is nearly impossible to know what you have and where to find it in a timely fashion and you end up keeping what you may not need for far longer than reasonably necessary.

My office has, over the years talked about records management being an important part of protection of privacy. One of the best ways to protect my privacy is to destroy records in an orderly, secure way. To do that, one needs policies, procedures and schedules regarding the maintenance and destruction of records. This approach applies to paper and digital records in all forms including text messages.

These days a lot of information about me is stored electronically, so any policy these days needs to deal with paper and electronic records.

So, I encourage you to take the training and then reflect on your organization. Is there more your organization should do to protect my privacy?



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