Archive (Year: 2023)
Employers Hiring Persons of Indigenous Ancestry
I was asked recently about an employer’s ability to ask a candidate about their indigenous ancestry. This is a difficult question in light of media coverage of situations where claims of indigenous ancestry turned out not to be true. I first noted section 19 of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code that prohibited asking questions about... read more
Correction Request – What you Need to Know!
So, you are an individual who believes that a public body has an error/omission regarding your personal information/personal health information in a record – what do you do? Subsection 32(1) of The Freedom of Information of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), subsection 31(1) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA... read more
The Role of an Intake Officer
When you contact the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner’s office with a request for review, breach of privacy complaint, or a general inquiry, you will first be dealing with us, the Intake Officers. Since the Intake Officer is generally your first point of contact with our office, I feel that it is important to spread... read more
Managing Electronic Records
One of the many challenges an organization may face when transitioning from paper-based to electronic records is ensuring proper records management processes are in place. While paper records can be easily organized and stored while waiting for retention periods to be met, electronic records can take a bit more work. Our office has succeeded in... read more