Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to all!

Save the Date –Top of Mind webinar -privacy commissioners from across Canada – January 31 noon Eastern

Ontario -updated guidelines re: automated license Plate Readers

Consultation – federal Directive on Automated Decision Making

Life Labs investigation report, Ontario and BC

Privacy cases summarized – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Ontario’s IPC has podcast on indigenous data prospectives

Canada’s privacy Commissioner investigates CRA

Year: 2023

September 5, 2023 - Lisa Long, Intake Officer

Demystifying Access to Information Rights

What rights do members of the public have when it comes to access to information? The right to access information in government records is established at the federal and provincial level. Federally, the Access to Information Act is overseen by the Information Commissioner of Canada. For more on this, please visit the Information Commissioner of... read more

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August 31, 2023 - Andrew Livingstone, Intake Officer

Making a Privacy Complaint for Someone Else?

Often, our office is contacted by individuals who are concerned about the inappropriate disclosure of personal information that is not their own. If this is you, then perhaps you are attempting to complain on behalf of a loved one; or you’ve received the personal information of a stranger, and you’re willing to go out of... read more

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August 15, 2023 - Adzo Baku, Analyst

A Near Attack

A few weeks into a new role, Jane received an interesting email supposedly from her “colleague” Stacy.  Stacy welcomed Jane to the team and asked for some time in her day. There was, of course, a smart attempt to cover up any tracks – a clause about Stacy entering a meeting and was only available... read more

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June 29, 2023 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Delegation of Powers and Duties Under LA FOIP

Frequently, my office is asked by municipalities on how to prepare a delegation instrument where the “head” of the municipality may delegate their powers and/or duties under LA FOIP to one or more employees. In many cases, it is the mayor or reeve who wishes to delegate their powers and duties under LA FOIP to... read more

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