Archive (Year: 2023)
Solicitor-Client Privilege/Litigation Privilege (updated)
On May 16, 2018, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal released its decision in University of Saskatchewan v Saskatchewan (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2018 SKCA 34 . The appeal addressed the statutory authority of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) to require the production of records over... read more
Privacy Audits (updated)
Your organization has undertaken a privacy impact assessment (PIA) as part of its process of designing and implementing a new program. So, what’s next? Once the new program has gone live, your organization should plan regular privacy audits to ensure that the program is operating in a manner that complies with applicable access and privacy... read more
Demystifying the Right to Privacy
Privacy is a deeply personal concept, and it means something a bit different to everyone – so how does Saskatchewan’s privacy legislation protect your personal information and personal health information? Saskatchewan’s public sector access and privacy laws, The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and The Local Authority Freedom of Information and... read more
3 Minutes for a Search (updated)
As public bodies have gone to doing the majority of their communicating by email, access requests for records of emails have increased. I expect such requests will continue. If the access request is for recent records (emails) an employee can perform a search in Outlook (or other email programs) and very quickly locate the emails... read more