Archive (Tag: protect)
Canada’s Information Commissioners and Ombuds issue joint resolution calling for enhanced transparency in government operations
Gatineau, Québec – December 10, 2024 – In a joint resolution, Canada’s Information Commissioners and Ombuds from federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions are pressing their respective governments to prioritize transparency in the design and implementation of new systems, administrative processes, procedures, and governance models. This resolution reflects the need for a new standard in government... read more
Independent Schools Treated Like School Boards
Currently in our education system, we have 27 school boards. They are defined as local authorities under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP). Under LA FOIP, they are obligated to provide records to parents and citizens. Of course, there are exemptions which they can claim to justify withholding... read more
Privacy in Organizations not Subject to Legislation
I received a call a few days ago from someone who worked in an organization that is not subject to privacy legislation provincially or federally. The question posed to me was what are the organization’s privacy obligations? I first had to say, you are not subject to provincial legislation and so there are really no... read more
A Near Attack
A few weeks into a new role, Jane received an interesting email supposedly from her “colleague” Stacy. Stacy welcomed Jane to the team and asked for some time in her day. There was, of course, a smart attempt to cover up any tracks – a clause about Stacy entering a meeting and was only available... read more