Archive (Tag: collection)
When We Cannot Help You
My office gets calls from residents when they are expecting us to solve their problem. We receive approximately 1500 calls a year. Some of those citizens have called other agencies or public bodies. They may have called the Ombudsman or the Advocate for Children and Youth office, the Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Human Rights... read more
Demystifying the Right to Privacy
Privacy is a deeply personal concept, and it means something a bit different to everyone – so how does Saskatchewan’s privacy legislation protect your personal information and personal health information? Saskatchewan’s public sector access and privacy laws, The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and The Local Authority Freedom of Information and... read more
Collection/Disclosure; A Two-Step Analysis (updated)
When personal information or personal health information (information) is shared by one public body with another, the issue arises as to who has the authority to disclose and who has the authority to collect. Many collections of information happen when you or I visit a public body, apply for a service or benefit and fill... read more
Employers Hiring Persons of Indigenous Ancestry
I was asked about an employer’s ability to ask a candidate about their indigenous ancestry. This is a difficult question in light of media coverage of situations where claims of indigenous ancestry turned out not to be true. I first noted section 19 of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code that prohibited asking questions about race.... read more