Archive (Tag: access)
Demystifying Access to Information Rights
What rights do members of the public have when it comes to access to information? The right to access information in government records is established at the federal and provincial level. Federally, the Access to Information Act is overseen by the Information Commissioner of Canada. For more on this, please visit the Information Commissioner of... read more
Delegation of Powers and Duties Under LA FOIP
Frequently, my office is asked by municipalities on how to prepare a delegation instrument where the “head” of the municipality may delegate their powers and/or duties under LA FOIP to one or more employees. In many cases, it is the mayor or reeve who wishes to delegate their powers and duties under LA FOIP to... read more
The Role of an Intake Officer
When you contact the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner’s office with a request for review, breach of privacy complaint, or a general inquiry, you will first be dealing with us, the Intake Officers. Since the Intake Officer is generally your first point of contact with our office, I feel that it is important to spread... read more
Knowledge can be a Gateway to Truth and Reconciliation
Today is Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Page 12 of Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada states, “Without truth, justice, and healing, there can be no genuine reconciliation. Reconciliation is not about “closing a sad chapter of Canada’s past,”... read more