Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

Federal Privacy commissioner investigates data deletion complaint

Ontario announces expedited process for appeals

Data governance framework for the City of Toronto

Tennant background checks: joint investigation and accompanying blog

Supreme Court, decision on private sector employees and search and seizure

Audit of FOI requests

Ontario IPC on digital safety requirements for schools

Tag: access

August 13, 2015 - Alyx Larocque, Analyst

How to Conduct an Effective Search for Records

So you have received an access to information request and you know it is not going to be easy to locate responsive records. What do you do? Here are some tips for you. First: You develop a search strategy and document everything. A search strategy could include: Searching for records in multiple formats (i.e. electronic,... read more

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May 22, 2015 - Diane Aldridge, Director of Compliance

When Salary is Open to Public Scrutiny

The starting point of determining whether or not your salary is releasable starts with what access and privacy law applies to you in your circumstance. If you work for a government institution or local authority, then your salary is not considered your personal information. Why does it matter if it is or is not considered... read more

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