Ontario Proposing Legislation To Better Protect Children

Sophisticated Cyber attacks on BC

Microsoft to make security a top priority

Ontario introduces cybersecurity bill

Ontario IPC probes government use of non-government email accounts

Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

News Releases

November 6, 2019

Canada’s access to information and privacy guardians urge governments to modernize legislation to better protect Canadians

Information and Privacy Ombudspersons and Commissioners from across Canada are urging their governments to modernize access to information and privacy laws. In a joint resolution, Canada’s access to information and privacy guardians note that along with its many benefits, the rapid advancement of technologies has had an impact on fundamental democratic principles and human rights,... read more

Categories: News Releases

June 27, 2019

Saskatchewan IPC Tables 2018-2019 Annual Report

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ronald J. Kruzeniski, Q.C., has submitted his office’s 2018-2019 Annual Report to the Legislative Assembly. In his Report, the Commissioner stated: “The rest of this Report and the next five years of my term will really be focused on modernizing this legislation to take into account the database/internet world we... read more

Categories: News Releases

November 22, 2018

News Release for Review Report 204-2018 Northern Village of Pinehouse

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ronald J. Kruzeniski Q.C., has issued his Review Report 204-2018 involving the Northern Village of Pinehouse. Kruzeniski stated: My office will have now issued 13 Review Reports between 2013 and 2018 involving the Village. 12 of these reports deal with section 7 responses not being provided, delays in providing it... read more

Categories: News Releases

September 17, 2018

Canada’s access to information and privacy guardians call for privacy regulation and oversight of political parties

In a joint resolution, Canada’s Information and Privacy Ombudspersons and Commissioners have called on governments to pass legislation requiring political parties to comply with globally recognized privacy principles, to provide Canadians with access to the personal information they hold about them, and to provide for independent oversight to verify and enforce privacy compliance. Recent events... read more

Categories: News Releases