Ontario Proposing Legislation To Better Protect Children

Sophisticated Cyber attacks on BC

Microsoft to make security a top priority

Ontario introduces cybersecurity bill

Ontario IPC probes government use of non-government email accounts

Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

News Releases

June 2, 2021

Federal, Provincial and Territorial Information and Privacy Commissioners and Ombudsman issue joint resolution about privacy and access to information rights during and after a pandemic

In a joint resolution, Canada’s Information and Privacy regulators called on their respective governments to respect Canadians’ quasi-constitutional rights to privacy and access to information. The regulators took note of the serious impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the right of access to information and privacy rights in Canada and called on governments to... read more

Categories: News Releases

May 19, 2021

Vaccine passports must meet highest level of privacy protection

Privacy should be front and centre as governments and businesses consider COVID-19 vaccine passports as a tool to help Canadians return to normal life, say Canada’s privacy guardians. Vaccine passports would allow people to travel and gather again and could support economic recovery while protecting public health. They would, however, require individuals to disclose personal... read more

Categories: News Releases

March 2, 2021 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

UPDATED – Advisory from the IPC on questions regarding vaccines for organizations, employers and health trustees

Announcements regarding the approval of vaccines for COVID-19 has been greeted with excitement. The roll out of vaccines is occurring in our province and in other provinces in Canada. As citizens receive the vaccine, questions arise as to how organizations, health trustees and employers will handle this new reality. In my Advisory from the Office... read more

Categories: News Releases

January 8, 2021 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

Saskatchewan IPC finds ransomware attack results in one of the largest privacy breaches in this province involving citizens’ most sensitive data

An investigation by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Saskatchewan has found that eHealth Saskatchewan (eHealth), the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and the Ministry of Health (Health) were the victims of a ransomware attack in late December 2019 and early January 2020, resulting in one of the largest privacy breaches in this province. On December... read more

Categories: News Releases