Alberta, update to access and privacy legislation, passed in December and in force this spring

Federal Privacy Commissioner launches new online privacy breach risk self-assessment tool

Law Society – Bite Size video – cloud computing guide

Ontario IPC commissions report on workplace surveillance technologies

Australian IPC releases new Privacy Basics e-Learning module

Watch Law Society video-Cyber Breaches through Third Parties

Australia’s privacy commissioner publishes its Digital ID regulatory strategy

5 takeaways from the Lifelabs case

Put Privacy First – Privacy Commissioner of Canada speaks about privacy risk mitigation.

Learn more about The Power of PETs: Privacy Enhancing Technologies during a panel discussion hosted by The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.


The Law Society Issues “Guidelines for the Use of Generative AI in the Practice of Law”

April 2, 2024 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Law Society of Saskatchewan has issued guidelines for the use of generative AI in a lawyer’s practice. You can read that guideline here.  The Law Society has also issued three brief videos on the guidelines (Bite Size CPD 124, 125 & 126). You can watch them here.

When you read the guideline, you will see how many of the statements could apply to any profession and in particular the health professions. It talks about the responsibilities of confidentiality, communications and the risks of discrimination and harassment. I would encourage every profession to consider developing a guideline specifically tailored to their profession and develop in person or online training that helps each member become familiar with the benefits and risks of generative AI.

In fact, I would encourage public bodies and health trustees to read the Law Society guideline and consider whether they should develop their own guideline and training.

I hear the experts say there are benefits and risks. All of us will want to take advantage of the benefits and all of us should recognize the risks and take steps to mitigate those risks.

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