Archive (Tag: snooping)
Recent Headlines Give me Concern
From time to time, media speculate on health issues pertaining to a high-profile person in the public eye. One of those headlines involved allegations of an attempted breach of personal health information, which you can find here. The people of Saskatchewan should rest assured that we have laws that prohibit snooping into their personal information... read more
Unauthorized Access
This blog is focused on the unauthorized access to electronic health records for purposes such as curiosity, concern, personal gain, spite, or boredom, and the harm that results from such unauthorized access. I note that the majority of trustee employees or individuals in service of a trustee (including physicians) access electronic health records for purposes... read more
Snooping: When Will People Learn?
Before being appointed Commissioner, my reading, studying and listening to the media caused me to really be concerned about staff snooping into personal information (PI) or personal health information (PHI) when there was no need to be looking. Before being appointed, I attended a conference where a speaker on security said the greatest problem for... read more