Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

Federal Privacy commissioner investigates data deletion complaint

Ontario announces expedited process for appeals

Data governance framework for the City of Toronto

Tennant background checks: joint investigation and accompanying blog

Supreme Court, decision on private sector employees and search and seizure

Audit of FOI requests

Ontario IPC on digital safety requirements for schools

Tag: resource

October 16, 2014 - Sharon Young, Analyst

5 Ways to Protect Your Privacy

Welcome to the Saskatchewan IPC’s blog! Here you’ll find tips, information, instruction, stories, and commentary on what’s going on in our office or in the access and privacy community at large. We also hope to invite guest bloggers to post their thoughts on here too. So to kick off this blog, here are five ways... read more

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