Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

Federal Privacy commissioner investigates data deletion complaint

Ontario announces expedited process for appeals

Data governance framework for the City of Toronto

Tennant background checks: joint investigation and accompanying blog

Supreme Court, decision on private sector employees and search and seizure

Audit of FOI requests

Ontario IPC on digital safety requirements for schools

Tag: resource

November 28, 2017 - Alyx Larocque, Analyst

What Makes a Good Submission?

The staff at the OIPC recently watched a webinar called The Art of Persuasive Speaking put on by The Canadian Bar Association. Some of the points made in the webinar are relevant to public bodies providing submissions to our office. I thought I would share some further tips pulled from that webinar. When you want... read more

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August 11, 2017 - Sharon Young, Analyst

LA FOIP, Municipalities and Cities

Access to information under LA FOIP One of the purposes of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) is to ensure that local authorities are transparent and accountable to the public. One way of facilitating transparency and accountability is to provide individuals with the right to access records in... read more

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June 21, 2017 - Sherri Fowler, Analyst


When responding to access to information requests under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) and The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA), there may be circumstances where information is exempt from release under mandatory or discretionary exemptions.  However, each of these statutes requires public bodies... read more

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June 13, 2016 - Alyx Larocque, Analyst

Updated: Tips for a Good Submission

So much of what we do here at the OIPC involves reviewing submissions (or representations) from parties.  In my time here, I have seen some very persuasive ones. I thought some tips on what, in my view, made a persuasive submission would be helpful. A submission contains a party’s arguments in support of their position. ... read more

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