Archive (Tag: resource)
Closing a Practice
Back in 2011, this office issued an Advisory to address concerns we had at the time regarding abandoned patient records. That resource was titled, Advisory for Saskatchewan Trustees for Record Disposition. This office now again is looking to provide some advice to trustees that are winding up his or her practice as additional cases of... read more
What Makes a Good Submission?
The staff at the OIPC recently watched a webinar called The Art of Persuasive Speaking put on by The Canadian Bar Association. Some of the points made in the webinar are relevant to public bodies providing submissions to our office. I thought I would share some further tips pulled from that webinar. When you want... read more
LA FOIP, Municipalities and Cities
Access to information under LA FOIP One of the purposes of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) is to ensure that local authorities are transparent and accountable to the public. One way of facilitating transparency and accountability is to provide individuals with the right to access records in... read more
When responding to access to information requests under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) and The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA), there may be circumstances where information is exempt from release under mandatory or discretionary exemptions. However, each of these statutes requires public bodies... read more