Archive (Tag: privacy)
The Legislation Act- Things to Know
I had formerly prepared a blog that discussed The Interpretation Act, 1995 and some things to look out for as it relates to FOIP and LA FOIP. However, The Interpretation Act, 1995 was replaced in May 2019 by The Legislation Act (Legislation Act), so this blog has been updated to reflect those changes. There are... read more
What to do if you Receive a Privacy Breach Notification
Receiving notice that you are an affected individual in a privacy breach can be stressful, and you may be wondering what your options are. Here are some answers to common questions that our office receives when people find out that they may be impacted by a privacy breach. Why am I receiving this notice? Generally... read more
An activity booklet for kids
The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner released a privacy activity book, Privacy Pursuit! Games and Activities for Kids, to help kids better understand and protect their online privacy. In the Commissioner’s blog she says: This new activity booklet is designed to help kids learn more about online privacy through games like word searches, crossword puzzles, cryptograms,... read more
Notifying affected individuals: What should I put in the letter?
Notifying affected individuals that their privacy has been breached is a very important step in responding to a privacy breach and should happen very quickly once you have identified who has been affected by the privacy breach. In cases where the privacy breach is potentially very large, or you may not be able to identify... read more