Archive (Tag: privacy)
Access, Privacy, Children and Joint Legal Custodians (updated)
Commissioner Kruzeniski’s blog Who Signs for a Child? (updated) described the rules under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP), and The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA) applicable to legal custodians. The Commissioner explained that subsections 59(d) of FOIP,... read more
Privacy Savvy Children and Youth
Various studies on how Canadian children and youth use technology have concluded similar findings. One study found that about 90% of young people aged nine to 11 have at least one social media account. The same study found that about 80% of young people aged nine to 17 have their own smartphone, with many having... read more
Privacy in Organizations not Subject to Legislation
I received a call a few days ago from someone who worked in an organization that is not subject to privacy legislation provincially or federally. The question posed to me was what are the organization’s privacy obligations? I first had to say, you are not subject to provincial legislation and so there are really no... read more
How Does our Office Keep you Anonymous?
The Commissioner publicly posts review and investigation reports regarding a variety of matters involving applicants and complainants. As much as possible, our office tries to conceal their identities. Our office also recognizes that there are times when it is warranted to conceal the identity of someone other than an applicant or a complainant. De-identification is... read more