Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to all!

Save the Date –Top of Mind webinar -privacy commissioners from across Canada – January 31 noon Eastern

Ontario -updated guidelines re: automated license Plate Readers

Consultation – federal Directive on Automated Decision Making

Life Labs investigation report, Ontario and BC

Privacy cases summarized – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Ontario’s IPC has podcast on indigenous data prospectives

Canada’s privacy Commissioner investigates CRA

Tag: PHI

September 27, 2023 - Rick Yachiw, Director of Compliance

Data Residency Outside Canada for Trustees

Trustees often ask our office about the use of an information management service provider (IMSP) to manage personal health information. Some want to know about using IMSPs linked to companies outside Canada. Once personal health information leaves Canada, it becomes subject to the laws of the country where it resides. If an individual’s personal health... read more

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September 7, 2023 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Privacy Audits (updated)

Your organization has undertaken a privacy impact assessment (PIA) as part of its process of designing and implementing a new program. So, what’s next? Once the new program has gone live, your organization should plan regular privacy audits to ensure that the program is operating in a manner that complies with applicable access and privacy... read more

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September 6, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

Collection/Disclosure; A Two-Step Analysis (updated)

When personal information or personal health information (information) is shared by one public body with another, the issue arises as to who has the authority to disclose and who has the authority to collect. Many collections of information happen when you or I visit a public body, apply for a service or benefit and fill... read more

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June 14, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

Thieves Steal a Server From a Law Firm

I became aware of a case in Alberta, where thieves stole a computer from a law firm. Law firms hold a lot of information about their clients. Some of the information can be personal information and some can be personal health information, and the rest is usually viewed as highly confidential. Law firms, like any... read more

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