Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to all!

Save the Date –Top of Mind webinar -privacy commissioners from across Canada – January 31 noon Eastern

Ontario -updated guidelines re: automated license Plate Readers

Consultation – federal Directive on Automated Decision Making

Life Labs investigation report, Ontario and BC

Privacy cases summarized – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Ontario’s IPC has podcast on indigenous data prospectives

Canada’s privacy Commissioner investigates CRA


July 8, 2016 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Non-Responsive Information in a Responsive Record

FOIP and LA FOIP provides specific exemptions that public bodies must or may apply when preparing records for release in response to an access to information request. There are circumstances in which a public body may consider information within a record to be non- responsive and have to decide whether to sever such information on... read more

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