Watch Law Society video-Cyber Breaches through Third Parties

Australia’s privacy commissioner publishes its Digital ID regulatory strategy

5 takeaways from the Lifelabs case

Put Privacy First – Privacy Commissioner of Canada speaks about privacy risk mitigation.

Learn more about The Power of PETs: Privacy Enhancing Technologies during a panel discussion hosted by The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

BC Commissioner issues report on how municipalities make records available. For more information check out the full news release, fact sheet, guidance document and video.

Thank you to our 800 registrants who registered for the Top of Mind webinar hosted on Jan 31. For those of you who missed the session, you can access both an English and French version of the recording here under “Top of Mind” Data Privacy Webinar 2025. Enjoy!


MySaskHealthRecord (updated)

September 20, 2023 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

On October 8, 2019, the Saskatchewan government and eHealth launched MySaskHealthRecord. The news release stated, “New Website Allows Saskatchewan Residents to Access Their Personal Health Information Anywhere, Anytime”. This is an exciting first step in allowing residents to access their own personal health information. You can check the eHealth website to see what information you can access. As of the date of this blog, you can access:

  • laboratory test results
  • medical imaging reports
  • immunization history
  • prescription history
  • clinical documents (notes from your doctor such as discharge summaries, operative notes, consults and others).

It has always been accepted that my personal health information is my information but accessing it could be challenging. One of the benefits of technology is that it allows us to get that information easily and quickly.

For every benefit of a technical advancement there is an added responsibility imposed on us. Your password is very important. You should not share it with anyone.

MySaskHealthRecord is only available to users to access their own data at this time. Put another way, one should not leave this pin or password laying around or casually share it with others. With such sensitive information within the app, a strong password is a must. For advice on developing a strong password, check out this link.

I am hopeful eHealth will continue to enhance MySaskHealthRecord in the future. For example, can I see who in the health care system has accessed my health record? Since my personal health information is my information, I have the right, and at times, the need to know who else is looking and question if it is for a legitimate purpose. The only people that should be looking are those I have consulted regarding my personal health situation or have a legitimate need-to-know.

To register for a MySaskHealthRecord account, click here.


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