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Templates for Section 7 Decisions
One of many steps in processing an access to information request is preparing the “section 7 decision.” Section 7 of FOIP and section 7 of LA FOIP requires the government institution or local authority to give written notice to the individual who submitted the access to information request. This written notice is the “section 7... read more
AI’s Double-Edged Sword: Balancing Innovation and Privacy of Information
Canada enacted the first federal privacy protection in 1977 as part of Part IV of the Canadian Human Rights Act. The right to privacy was further supported in the enactment of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982 and when the federal Privacy Act and Access to Information Act were proclaimed in 1983.... read more
Best Practices for Administrative Tribunals
The article, On the Road to Fairness: Redesigning Saskatchewan’s Administrative Tribunal System, discusses the role of administrative tribunals that help resolve disputes “between citizen and State.” Administrative tribunals “review a broad range of government decisions” and may play a regulatory or adjudicative function. In Saskatchewan, they serve as an extension “of the executive branch of... read more
“Top of Mind” Webinar
My office hosted a webinar on January 31, 2025. We called it “Top of Mind” Webinar. We had invited four Privacy Commissioners from across Canada to talk about what most concerned them when it came to data privacy, and we asked them to predict what would be the “big” privacy issues in 2025. My office... read more