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An activity booklet for kids

September 27, 2021 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner released a privacy activity book, Privacy Pursuit! Games and Activities for Kids, to help kids better understand and protect their online privacy.

In the Commissioner’s blog she says:

This new activity booklet is designed to help kids learn more about online privacy through games like word searches, crossword puzzles, cryptograms, and word matches, among other fun activities. Through these exercises, kids will pick up some easy-to-understand tips that will help them watch out for scams, protect their privacy, and stay safe online. Some thought-provoking questions will also guide kids through a process of self-discovery by reflecting on what privacy means to them and how to respect the privacy of others through caring and empathy.

Check it out and see if it increases the awareness of your children regarding privacy.


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