Archive (Year: 2023)
Who is “Fake Ron”? (updated)
I have just become aware that staff had received another email from me asking for some gift cards in a rush because I was in a meeting. Previously, staff in my office had also received an email from me, but it wasn’t from me. They dubbed it, “Fake Ron.” Apparently, I wanted the recipient of... read more
How Does our Office Keep you Anonymous?
The Commissioner publicly posts review and investigation reports regarding a variety of matters involving applicants and complainants. As much as possible, our office tries to conceal their identities. Our office also recognizes that there are times when it is warranted to conceal the identity of someone other than an applicant or a complainant. De-identification is... read more
Research: post pandemic (updated)
As I listen to the news, my head keeps telling me there will be many opportunities and much interest in researching many and varied aspects of this world pandemic. I expect there will also be interest on the part of Saskatchewan researchers. The law is VERY CLEAR that researchers can ask public bodies for de-identified... read more
A Good Access Request (updated)
You want some information from a government ministry, board, agency, Crown corporation, or from a city, town, village, rural municipality, university, school, library or health trustee. First, try the informal method, which is finding out who makes decisions regarding releasing information, maybe the director or a supervisor, and request by telephone or email the information... read more