Archive (Year: 2020)
Statement from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner on Access to Information During a Pandemic
The question has been raised: What about access requests during a pandemic? In Saskatchewan, The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP), and The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA) are still in force. Citizens of Saskatchewan still have the right... read more
Prescribed access to information request form
My office has encountered situations where an individual writes a letter or sends an email requesting information to a public body. The public body responds that the request is not in the prescribed form and indicates it will not treat it as a formal access to information request. The FOIP/LA FOIP Regulations do prescribe a... read more
Circle of Care
When my office investigates privacy breaches in the health care sector, at times, the defense, the explanation, or the reason given is that one believed they were in the “circle of care”. What is the circle of care? It certainly is not used in The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA). I did find one definition on the... read more
Records blowing in the wind – Saskatchewan needs a private-sector privacy law
Citizens in Regina had a difficult time navigating Victoria Avenue on Wednesday January 22, 2020. Boxes and papers that had spilled out of the back of a truck blocked the road. It was determined that the papers contained the personal information of citizens and that the owner of the papers was a private-sector business for... read more