Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to all!

Save the Date –Top of Mind webinar -privacy commissioners from across Canada – January 31 noon Eastern

Ontario -updated guidelines re: automated license Plate Readers

Consultation – federal Directive on Automated Decision Making

Life Labs investigation report, Ontario and BC

Privacy cases summarized – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Ontario’s IPC has podcast on indigenous data prospectives

Canada’s privacy Commissioner investigates CRA

Year: 2017

April 3, 2017 - Melanie Coyle, Analyst

Lawyers Bills: Are They a “No Brainer”?

We have now had a few reports that have dealt with the application of solicitor-client privilege exemptions (sections 22 of FOIP and 21 of LA FOIP) to lawyers bills.  In these cases, the Commissioner relied on a Supreme Court of Canada decision Maranda v. Richer, [2003] 3 S.C.R. 193, 2003 SCC67 to find that lawyers... read more

Categories: Blog

March 29, 2017 - Diane Aldridge, Director of Compliance

Access and Privacy Rights of Minors Online

On May 3, 2016, our office posted to our website a blog titled, Who Signs for a Child?. Though the focus of that blog was on who can sign for a child under the age of 18 years, the following advice on mature minors was offered: FOIP and LA FOIP do not contemplate the child... read more

Categories: Blog