Ontario Proposing Legislation To Better Protect Children

Sophisticated Cyber attacks on BC

Microsoft to make security a top priority

Ontario introduces cybersecurity bill

Ontario IPC probes government use of non-government email accounts

Federal Privacy Commissioner launches breach reporting tool

Ontario IPC issues guidelines on third party procurement

Sask. Privacy Commissioner asks for authority to compel compliance

Year: 2016

November 15, 2016 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Transitory Records and Access-to-Information Requests

What are transitory records? The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan defines transitory records as: Records of temporary usefulness that are needed only for a limited period of time, to complete a routine task or to prepare an ongoing document. Also, exact copies of official records made for convenience of reference. These records are not required to... read more

Categories: Blog

September 16, 2016 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner

When the Media Calls

Every once in a while, a journalist or some other individual will call my office to ask whether a review had been started on a particular request for information or investigation launched into a privacy breach. The policy of this office is to not immediately confirm that a request for review or specific privacy investigation... read more

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July 20, 2016 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Unauthorized Access

This blog is focused on the unauthorized access to electronic health records for purposes such as curiosity, concern, personal gain, spite, or boredom, and the harm that results from such unauthorized access. I note that the majority of trustee employees or individuals in service of a trustee (including physicians) access electronic health records for purposes... read more

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July 8, 2016 - Sharon Young, Analyst

Non-Responsive Information in a Responsive Record

FOIP and LA FOIP provides specific exemptions that public bodies must or may apply when preparing records for release in response to an access to information request. There are circumstances in which a public body may consider information within a record to be non- responsive and have to decide whether to sever such information on... read more

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