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News Releases

Sask. IPC Tables 2017-2018 Annual Report

May 20, 2018

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ronald J. Kruzeniski, Q.C., has submitted his office’s 2017-2018 Annual Report to the Legislative Assembly.  Kruzeniski stated:

“It is wise to take steps to reduce the risks of breaches of privacy.”

In this year’s Report, he noted his office conducted 117 privacy breach investigations including issuing a number of reports where a person, the ex-partner, snoops on the new spouse or partner. As such, he urged organizations to take steps to reduce the risk of privacy breaches and provided advice as to how to achieve this end. Some recommended actions included:

  • Consider conducting privacy impact assessments;
  • Ensure new employees get privacy training;
  • Insist on the use of strong passwords;
  • Use two smart phones: one for work and one for personal use;
  • Have two email accounts: one for work and one for personal use;
  • Back-up your data;
  • Develop an audit plan;
  • Discipline snoopers; and
  • Build a culture of privacy.

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