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News Releases

Information and Privacy Commissioner issued investigation report involving care aid complaints

August 18, 2015

Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ronald J. Kruzeniski Q.C., issued his investigation report yesterday involving the sharing of a care aid’s information by Oliver Lodge, Saskatoon Regional Health Authority (SRHA), the Ministry of Health and the Office of the Premier.

The investigation examined the complex information flows between multiple agencies spanning weeks to see if authority existed for the information sharing. In one case, the Commissioner agreed that disclosure by SRHA was authorized as was in the public interest. However, the Commissioner also found that breaches of privacy did occur and recommended that each responsible agency within his jurisdiction offer an apology to the care aid as well as take other remedial action including developing policies and procedures to guide future requests for disclosure. Further, the Commissioner noted how our outdated access and privacy legislation does not cover some parts of the system and therefore recommended that the government look at a series of options to address the noted shortcomings.

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