Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to all!

Save the Date – Top of Mind webinar -privacy commissioners from across Canada – January 31 noon Eastern

New Zealand Privacy Commissioner consults on biometric code

Ontario -updated guidelines re: automated license Plate Readers

Consultation – federal Directive on Automated Decision Making

Life Labs investigation report, Ontario and BC

Privacy cases summarized – Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

Ontario’s IPC has podcast on indigenous data prospectives

Public Bodies

October 4, 2023

Use of Drones-Guidelines for Municipal Police Services

Use of Drones-Guidelines for Municipal Police Introduction Drones, an aircraft without a pilot (sometimes called an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)), are a technology launched into the air that can be used for a variety of purposes. Police services in Canada already use drones to assist in their work. Since drones can potentially be used to... read more


June 29, 2023

Delegation of Duty or Power Under LA FOIP

Section 50 of LA FOIP provides that the head may delegate to one or more officers or employees of a local authority their powers or duty under LA FOIP: 50(1) A head may delegate to one or more officers or employees of the local authority a power granted to the head or a duty vested... read more
