Delegation of Duty or Power Under LA FOIP


Section 50 of LA FOIP provides that the head may delegate to one or more officers or employees of a local authority their powers or duty under LA FOIP:

50(1) A head may delegate to one or more officers or employees of the local authority a power granted to the head or a duty vested in the head.

 2) A delegation pursuant to subsection (1):

(a) is to be in writing; and

(b) may contain any limitations, restrictions, conditions or requirements that the head considers necessary.

To help with the task of preparing a delegation instrument, my office has prepared a delegation table that breaks down the powers and duties of a head under LA FOIP. Municipalities can fill out the delegation table according to which powers and/or duties the head wishes to delegate. The head must approve the delegation table in order for the delegation to be effective. The head does not need council approval to delegate powers and duties under LA FOIP.

A copy of the fillable form can be found below.

LA FOIP Delegation Table (Fillable)


Please note: Problems downloading forms on this page are typically related to the type of browser you are using. Our forms are in PDF format. Downloading works best with Internet Explorer which uses Adobe Acrobat Reader as the resident PDF viewer. Browsers such as Fire-Fox or Google Chrome have their own built in PDF viewer which will not read a PDF “fillable” form.

The following link is an explanation on how to change the PDF viewer within your Browser to Acrobat Reader which will open a PDF formatted document:

You may also try this:      

  1. Right mouse click on the form you wish to open      
  2. Select “save target as”      
  3. Save the form locally on your computer      
  4. Use Acrobat Reader to open the form.

If you continue to experience problems, contact our office at 306-787-8350 or

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