Access to Information Request Forms


Access to Information Request Forms

FOIP Access to Information Request Form (Fillable) (for government institutions)

LA FOIP Access to Information Request Form (Fillable) (for local authorities)

HIPA Access to Information Request Form (for trustees)

Please note: Our office does not process Access to Information Request Forms.  Access to Information Request Forms must be submitted to the public body that you are requesting information from.  If you require the contact name of the access and privacy coordinator for a specific public body, please feel free to contact our office at: 306-787-8350 or toll-free at 1-877-748-2298.

For more information on how to get access to information, please click here.



Please note: Problems downloading forms on this page are typically related to the type of browser you are using. Our forms are in PDF format. Downloading works best with Internet Explorer which uses Adobe Acrobat Reader as the resident PDF viewer. Browsers such as Fire-Fox or Google Chrome have their own built in PDF viewer which will not read a PDF “fillable” form.

The following link is an explanation on how to change the PDF viewer within your Browser to Acrobat Reader which will open a PDF formatted document:

You may also try this:      

  1. Right mouse click on the form you wish to open      
  2. Select “save target as”      
  3. Save the form locally on your computer      
  4. Use Acrobat Reader to open the form.

**The above FOIP and LA FOIP forms will need to be saved to a local drive for the “Save As”, “Reset Form” “Submit by Email” and “Print Form” buttons to work.**

If you continue to experience problems, contact our office at 306-787-8350 or

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