Australia’s privacy commissioner publishes its Digital ID regulatory strategy

5 takeaways from the Lifelabs case

Put Privacy First – Privacy Commissioner of Canada speaks about privacy risk mitigation.

Learn more about The Power of PETs: Privacy Enhancing Technologies during a panel discussion hosted by The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

BC Commissioner issues report on how municipalities make records available. For more information check out the full news release, fact sheet, guidance document and video.

Thank you to our 800 registrants who registered for the Top of Mind webinar hosted on Jan 31. For those of you who missed the session, you can access both an English and French version of the recording here under “Top of Mind” Data Privacy Webinar 2025. Enjoy!

How do I get access to information?

1. Identify the Type of Information you Want

It generally helps to be as specific as possible in identifying the type of information you want.

If you want a quicker response, no or a lower fee and less information severed, you can consider the following:

  • Write down a description of the records you really want
    • Avoid being broad
    • Make it as specific as you can
  • Avoid using words that make it sound like you want hundreds or thousands of documents.
    • Asking for fewer records may lower the fee or result in a no fee
    • Give a specific time frame, such as January 1, 2022 to March 1, 2022
    • The narrower the timeframe, eases the search effort by the public body
  • Avoid saying “all documents…”
    • It is better to say “emails”, “letters”, “agendas”, “minutes” or “reports”. Being specific as to the type of documents you want makes the search easier
  • Indicate who created or sent the record
    • “Emails from Joe…” or “letters to Sarah…” or “reports prepared by Peter…”

2. Fill Out a Form

Determine the appropriate public body that holds the information; government institution, local authority or health trustee.

Please Note:

Problems downloading forms on this page are typically related to the type of browser you are using. Our forms are in PDF format. Downloading works best with Microsoft Edge which uses Adobe Acrobat Reader as the resident PDF viewer. Browsers such as Fire-Fox or Google Chrome have their own built in PDF viewer which will not read a PDF “fillable” form.

The following link is an explanation on how to change the PDF viewer within your Browser to Acrobat Reader which will open a PDF formatted document:

You may also try this:

  1. Right mouse click on the form you wish to open
  2. Select “save target as”
  3. Save the form locally on your computer
  4. Use Acrobat Reader to open the form.

**The above FOIP and LA FOIP access to information request forms will need to be saved to a local drive for the “Save As”, “Reset Form” “Submit by Email” and “Print Form” buttons to work.**

If you continue to experience problems, contact our office at 306-787-8350 or

3. Submit your Request to the Public Body

Submit your Access to Information request directly to the public body. Keep a copy for your records.

For a list of contact information for Access Coordinators within the Government of Saskatchewan, please click here.

4. Wait 30 Days

The public body has 30 calendar days to respond (a public body may ask for fees before responding).

Not Satisfied?

If you do not receive a response within 30 days, or are dissatisfied with the public body’s response, you can request a review by the IPC.  Check out our document called Guide to Requesting a Review from the IPC for a list of reasons the IPC would undertake a review.

5. Request a Review

Make your request for review in writing or use one of the following forms:

6. Submit your Request to the IPC

A request for review must be requested within one year after the public body provides its response. In the case that a public body does not provide a response, the one year time limit shall commence 30 days after the access to information request was submitted to the public body.

It is our office’s preference that requests for review be submitted by email to:  You can also submit your complaint by mail or in person to:

Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner
503 – 1801 Hamilton Street
Regina SK  S4P 4B4

Please include a copy of your access to information request and the response from the public body.

7. Early Resolution

Once it is determined that the IPC has jurisdiction and grounds to review the matter, an Intake Officer will contact you, ensure all the necessary information has been received and try to resolve the complaint informally.

8. Make a Submission

If early resolution is not possible, an Analyst will be assigned to the file. You will receive a notice of the review via email or letter and be invited to make a submission (i.e. provide relevant information to support the release of records). You are not obligated to provide a submission.

The Analyst will attempt to mediate, or informally resolve, the review.

9. Report and Response

If no mediated settlement is possible, the Commissioner will issue a report with findings and recommendations with respect to the release of information.

The identity of the applicant will not be disclosed.

The public body has 30 days to respond to the report and indicate if it will comply with the Commissioner’s recommendation(s).

10. Appeal to Court

Check out our document Guide to Appealing the Decision of a Head.

The IPC is not involved in this step.  You may want to consult a lawyer.



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