Ontario IPC commissions report on workplace surveillance technologies

Australian IPC releases new Privacy Basics e-Learning module

Watch Law Society video-Cyber Breaches through Third Parties

Australia’s privacy commissioner publishes its Digital ID regulatory strategy

5 takeaways from the Lifelabs case

Put Privacy First – Privacy Commissioner of Canada speaks about privacy risk mitigation.

Learn more about The Power of PETs: Privacy Enhancing Technologies during a panel discussion hosted by The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

BC Commissioner issues report on how municipalities make records available. For more information check out the full news release, fact sheet, guidance document and video.

Guides - IPC Guide to FOIP

IPC Guide to FOIP

This guide is a comprehensive reference tool for the application of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). It is designed to assist government institutions that are subject to FOIP. The guidance is non-binding and every matter should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

To access each chapter of the IPC Guide to FOIP, please click on show chapter to expand the Chapter below.

Please note: As the Guides continue to be updated, they will be transferred into flipbook format and available on the bookshelf. When accessing the flipbook version, simply click on the chapter to wish to view and begin. If you require an accessible pdf, you can click on the accessibility icon located in the top toolbar of the flipbook to the left of the search icon.

You may also select the pdf option below the bookshelf for each individual chapter by clicking on “show chapter.”

Chapter 1: Purposes and Scope of FOIP

Chapter 2: Administration of FOIP

Chapter 3: Access to Records

Chapter 4: Exemptions from the Right of Access

Chapter 5: Third Party Information

Chapter 6: Protection of Privacy

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